About Kate Chambers Creative


I’m Kate. I’m a design nerd.

I believe in the power of design. Sure, design makes things “pretty” but it goes way deeper than that. Design makes us feel certain ways, influences our opinions and decisions, and adds order to this chaotic world we’ve built. I think all of this design stuff is pretty stinkin’ neat, and I love bringing my design mindset to the table to help people solve problems.

I wasn’t always a design nerd. I have my bachelors in sociology and anthropology from the University of Colorado Boulder. It wasn’t until I graduated and was out in the real world that I realized what design is (I pretty much thought it was synonymous with art) and decided that’s the career path that I want to pursue. I went back to school for design and haven’t looked back since then.

Along with running my own design business, I work as an in-house graphic designer for a science education nonprofit, BSCS Science Learning. I also serve as the public service chair on the board for the American Advertising Federation of Colorado. In my free time, I create fun surface pattern designs and sell them on Society6.

kate chambers smiling

Let's be friends.